The Bison Theater will present Little Shop of Horrors on Friday, March 11, at 7 p.m., and Saturday, March 12, at 1 p.m. and 6 p.m.
Much of the cast of this comic and exciting “rock and roll horror”...
Guru is a 2007 hit Bollywood drama that follows the story of Gurukant Desai and his journey from rags to riches and eventually to corruption.
Guru is a fictional character whose story seems to closely...
Twisted Tales is a series that inserts alternative plot elements into Disney movies to imagine how they play out.
This installment, written by Elizabeth Braswell, retells the tale of Rapunzel, or...
“Clue” is a muder mystery based on the board game and 1985 film. The plot follows the course of a dinner party, where six guests are invited and held hostage, as they eventually discover, by their...
No doubt you have at least heard of Netflix's popular K-drama. If by some chance you haven't watched it yet, check out our reviewers' takes on the show.
Amy Zhou focuses on the show's commentary on...
Squid Game is a show about a group of people, mostly broke and in debt, who decide to enter a contest to win 45.6 billion won (38,793,653 USD).
The contest is simple.
Play the game and follow...
After succumbing to the nagging of friends and the influence of online ratings and constant advertising, I have watched Netflix’s Korean drama series Squid Game.
Now, I will admit, at first I was...
The auditorium was full of family and friends of orchestra musicians on Nov. 3rd for the first in-person concert since 2019.
This will be the last fall performance conducted by orchestra director...
Today, I will be reviewing 3 Idiots, a comic drama that follows two friends as they chase their arrogant but talented college roommate and recall their days together while learning more about his mysterious...
Shang-Chi, the character on which Marvel’s new movie Shang-Chi and The Legend of The Ten Rings is based, has a troubled history.
Shang Chi was originally created by Steve Englehart and Jim Starlin...
Alexander Johnson, better known as the “VR Kid,” is a BHS sophomore who has recently caught his peers’ attention by playing an activity-based virtual reality rhythm game called Beat Saber during...
When you see shows geared towards teens nowadays, they fall into two categories: shows with highly attractive teens and dry plot lines or shows that fly off the rails and try too hard to shock the audience.