First Pep Rally in New Stadium

All Fall Sports Teams Honored


The athletic department held a pep rally on Friday in the new stadium.

Announcer Mark Howdieshell hyped the Flip the Switch game and each of the fall teams ran off one by one while the captains talked about their sports.

“I thought the pep rally was great, and it raised a lot of hype for all the upcoming games on the field,” soccer player Isaac Kantarovich said. “It was just so astounding to know that I would play my next soccer game on the turf.”

The audience went crazy with cheers as the football team ran out.

The band preformed artist Kanye West’s hit song “All of the Lights,” and the drill team danced.

The cheerleaders showed off a new cheer:

“All you fans in the stands get up and clap your hands!”

“Seeing the football team on the turf and under the lights was just incredible,” Sophomore Ryan Muencz said.