Girls Soccer Team Ready for Conference Games

Photo from Beachcomber archives by Jeff Murtaugh
The record of the girls soccer team, 3-8, doesn’t do justice to the improvements made this year.
It glosses over their great wins and the Sept. 27 game against the Independence Blue Devils in which the Bison lost by only one goal.
“The best win this season was against Cuyahoga Heights,” senior Jaime Rotsky said. “They won the conference two years ago and came in second, (I think), last year. It was the first time we’ve beaten them since I’ve been in high school. We were down 3-1 and came back 4-3 in the last 20 minutes.”
According to Rotsky, the team is playing more aggressively.
“We are beating teams that we were not able to beat last year,” she said. “…and we are playing much more competitively against the teams we are losing to. Our style of play is much better this year than it has been in the past.”
The girls also still have the chance to win the conference, and this is something everyone is excited about.
“I am looking forward to the rest of our conference games,” Rotsky said.
“We have only had two so far, and we’ve been successful in both,” she said. “I hope to continue the success and win the conference. It’s something I’ve always wanted but have yet to accomplish.”
Junior Hannah Kahn agrees.
“I am looking forward to playing big conference games and trying to win them,” she said.
Another positive about the season is the coaching staff.
“They know soccer, but they also give us a lot of freedom as players,” Rotsky said. “We switched coaches after my sophomore year and the transition was not easy, but it has become the foundation to a great future for the Beachwood girls’ soccer program.”
At publication, head coach Tom Fowler has not responded to request for comment.
The team knows they also need to improve on many things.
“We need to improve on our communication and being first to the balll,” Rotsky said. “There’s a lot of really nice girls on the team that could benefit from being a little more aggressive on the field.”
“One way we can really improve on communication is getting even closer to each other than we already are,” said junior Hannah Cantlie. “Being aggressive is definitely also something we have to improve on. It would help our team have possession of the ball more often, which is obviously always good.”
The team has also become closer and gotten to know each other much better.
“The best part of the season has been spending time with the team and becoming really close with one another,” Kahn said.
“We’re a very close team, so we’ve been making the most of our time together,” Rotsky said. “The best part of the season has probably been the progression we’ve made as a unit. It’s a great group of girls with a huge desire to win.”

Aden Stern (pictured at left with his cousin Ashton Finegold) is a junior. He is the online sports editor and has been writing for the Beachcomber since...