By Arielle Cohen, Arts and Entertainment Editor
It’s the beginning of the new school year, and that means the annual activity fair is approaching. It’s that time when we sign up for every club that offers free food, promise to attend meetings and make plans to get involved.
Sure, a lot of it is free or fairly inexpensive for us, but somebody’s paying for those activities. Every activity costs the school district money.
That’s because every club, activity and team must have some sort of adviser. According to BHS Principal Robert Hardis, advisers receive contracts based on the number of years they have spent advising a particular activity and the intensity of advising that activity. When determining how much each adviser is paid, there is a specific figure used as a base point. For the 2010-2011 school year, that figure was $4,336.00. An advisor with a contract specifying 1.0 would get paid 100% of that number. However, the amount he or she gets paid increases each year. For example, an advisor might get paid 30% of that amount the first he or she worked with a club, 40% the next year, 45% the year after and capping the fourth year at 50%. These charts give the percent of the base salary that a first-year advisor receives for a particular activity.
Additionally, many activities are costly in and of themselves. Some charts detail the annual expenses allotted for the club to spend. Other clubs have nominal spending needs provided by the school, and as a result don’t have a set budget.
Note that travelling costs for sports are completely covered.
Adviser Contract | 2011-12 Budget | Purpose | |
JCWA | .70assistant .25 | $15,000 | Travel expenses for three tournaments / students must pay for lodging, meals, and registration fees / unspent funds do not carry over |
Debate | .70 | $20,000 | $15,000 for travel expenses to three tournaments / $5,000 to be used for travel expenses to tournaments that students must earn bids to compete in / Students must pay for lodging, meals and registration fees / unspent funds do not carry over |
Academic Challenge | .30 | $5,000 | To be used for travel expenses to tournaments to which the team earns bids / Students pay for lodging, meals and registration fees / unspent money does not carry over |
Science Olympiad | .30 | $2,000 | To be used for travel expenses and lodging to state tournament / students pay for meals / unspent funds do not carry over |
Robotics | .60Assistant: .25 | $3,000 | Covers half of competition registration fee / Unspent funds WILL carry over for materials or other expenses associated with building the robot |
Club/Activity | Adviser Contract |
Amnesty International | Adviser: .25 |
ASL | Adviser: .25 |
Chess Team | Adviser: .25 |
Student Council | Adviser: .25 |
Council for Exceptional Children | Adviser: .90 |
Assistant: .40
Senior class adviser: .60
Freshman/Sophomore/Junior class adviser: .40
DAC ScholarsAdviser: .25Drama Productions
Adviser: .30Thespian Club (Drama Club)Director (per semester): .60
Drama Assistant-Tech (per semester): .60
Drama Assistant-Music (per semester): .60
Drama Assistant-Costume (per semester): .45DAC ScholarsAdviser: .30Drill TeamAdviser: .35Ecology ClubAdviser: .25LeadershipAdviser: .30
Assistant: .20Multi-Cultural ClubAdviser: .20SADDAdviser: .25Senior SearchAdviser: .25Senior Slide ShowAdviser: .30Stock Market ClubAdviser: .20 Adviser: .25