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The Beachcomber

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The student news site of Beachwood High School.

The Beachcomber

The student news site of Beachwood High School.

The Beachcomber

Club founders Chellu, Menefee and Zheng attended the Stephanie Tubbs Jones summer legal academy. Photo courtesy of Lyndia Zheng

Students Launch Pre-Law Club

Allie Rindsberg, Sports Editor January 22, 2024

Beachwood has a new club this year, founded by juniors Taia Menefee, Lyndia Zheng and Shreya Chellu.  Over the summer the three students participated in the Stephanie Tubbs Jones Summer Legal Adventure,...

Sophomore Gavi Lapin, Hebrew teacher Irit Oberster and freshman Jonah Greller mix latke batter.

Israeli Culture Club Provides Safe Space for Jewish Students in Difficult Times

Lexi Jaffe, Staff Writer January 18, 2024

The Israeli culture club provides an opportunity for students  to  celebrate Jewish holidays and discuss issues relevant to Jewish people. The club meets once a month in Hebrew teacher Irit Oberster’s...

Shortly after the November vote, the Ohio house speaker, Senate president and a group of four Republican state legislators spoke out against the amendment’s passing and promised legislative action.

Ohioans Passed the Reproductive Freedom Amendment

Shreya Chellu, Editor-in-Chief January 17, 2024

Ohioans approved a constitutional amendment safeguarding access to abortion and other forms of reproductive healthcare on Nov. 7.  The amendment was written by the Ohio Physicians for Reproductive...

Students enjoyed food and watched a presentation during the Lunar New Year event in January, 2023. Photo courtesy of Allen Yu

Asian Affinity Club Amplifies Voices, Promotes Awareness

So Eun Kang, Staff Writer December 21, 2023

Since last year the Asian affinity club has promoted awareness and unity through cultural celebrations held at the high school, including the Diwali celebration in November, the Mid-Autumn festival in...

From left: Sophomores Junbo Wang and Aaron Kahn, junior Nikolay Geube and senior Allen Yu.

Chess Club Moving Towards Tournament Play

Alex Bravo, Staff Writer December 14, 2023

Although it may not receive a lot of attention, BHS has a chess club with some very accomplished players. Advised by Spanish teacher Topher Helm and led by senior Allen Yu and junior Jeye Lahti-Thiam,...

Seniors Arianna Preston and David You load mulch during the Hands on Helping event at Rust Belt Garden in Cleveland.

Students Give Back with Hands on Helping Club

Alexis Mercado, Staff Writer December 13, 2023

Hands on Helping is a volunteer club that embodies the spirit of compassion and community service.  Club members hope to make a positive impact by engaging in a variety of charitable activities.  “Our...

“I was shocked that it was a perfect score,” Zhao said.

Anna Zhao Scores Perfect ACT

Madeleine Mehler, Staff Writer December 4, 2023

Getting a perfect score of 36 on the American College Test (ACT), is incredibly rare, and only about 0.25% of students achieved this in 2023, but Beachwood’s very own Anna Zhao was one of the select...

Dr. Tony Daher, an emergency medicine physician at Ahuja Medical Center, teaches Anah Khan how to complete sutures on pig's feet during a pre-med meeting last year.

Pre-Med Club Explores Careers, Gives Back

Eli Posa, Staff Writer December 4, 2023

Students with an interest in medicine are inspired by guest speakers and hands-on opportunities during pre-med club meetings held on the second Monday of each month in the community room. Juniors Madeline...

On the induction day, each new member delivers a 3-5 minute speech. Photo from bcomber archives by Jacob Pincus

Gallery of Success Coming in April

Sami Stimpert, Staff Writer November 26, 2023

The 13th annual induction ceremony for the BHS Gallery of Success will take place in the auditorium on April 19.  The Gallery was established in 1985, and the selection committee has been adding names...

Majercak works with speech team members after school. From left: Alex Eisengart, Rachel Kantarovich and Evan Tew.

Speech & Debate Team Returning to Local Tournaments This Year

Alex Bravo, Staff Writer November 21, 2023

After taking a break from competitions for a few years, the BHS speech and debate team is bigger than ever and prepared to accomplish big things. The team increased from six members last year to over...

Beachwood Model United Nations participants show off their awards after returning from the CCWA Conference at Case. Photo courtesy of Dominic Velotta

Bison Model UN Dominant at CCWA Conference

Eli Posa, Staff Writer November 12, 2023

The BHS Model United Nations (MUN) club is one of the most successful in the area, making it a popular extracurricular for BHS students.  The team competed at the Cleveland Council on World Affairs...

Derek Fan shows off a walleye he caught in the Maumee river. Photo courtesy of Derek Fan

Reel in a Catch With Fishing Club

Jaycob Zabell, Staff Writer November 10, 2023

Sophomores Cameron Feuerman and Derek Fan are starting a fishing club this year, advised by social studies teacher Dave Baker. They have both enjoyed fishing their entire lives and look forward to sharing...

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