Beachcomber staff members collected these distinctive quotes from BHS teachers, printed in the January Beachcomber. Now find out who said what…
“I’m not kidding you—this is what’s going to be on the test.”
-Social Studies Teacher John Perse
“While you’re checking the answers to your homework, I’ll Google my name because I’m feeling low self-esteem.”
-Math Teacher Art Gugick
“Don’t forget your vocab ATM card to take words out of the word bank.”
-Spanish Teacher John Summers
“I’m, going to have to go to Marc’s to pick up more green pens after school.”
-Math Teacher Carole Katz
“Quick, before the cops get here!”
-English Teacher Evan Luzar
“Do ya like people?”
-Social Studies Teacher Greg Deegan
“Back when I lived in the San Francisco Bay Area…”
-Science Teacher Norm Althausen
-Science Teacher Glenn Novotny
“I’d rather be watching T.V. right now.”
-English Teacher Nicole Majercack
“We are going to have a celebration of learning (test) next block day.”
-Science Teacher Jim Burton
And here are some more, compiled by Jeffrey Zuckerman, from Perse, Gugick, and Summers…
“In New York City, it’s illegal to jump off of a building, and if you do, you will have to pay a fine of $20. So while they’re scraping your remains off of the street, they’ll say, ‘Oh by the way, that’s $20’”
“Shush, quiet. Shush, quiet. Shush, quiet…”
“Instead of class tomorrow, maybe we’ll all just watch an episode of Criminal Minds.”
“If you show up at my house on Halloween, me and my man Jerry will literally squirt you with this reddish goo.”
“For Halloween this year, I’m going to be Cosmo from the Fairly Odd Parents.”
“The reason I shaved my beard is because I’m going to play the dead guy on a CSI commercial.”
“Want to know what I’m doing over break? Check my blog.”
“You can look back at your answer—you won’t turn into a pillar of salt.
“Please stop the casual swearing.”
“Call me extra butter, cause I’m on a roll.”
“What’s up? Well, hopefully it’s your grade.”
“That’s my boy right there.”
“Yes it is disgusting to talk out.”
“Let’s nosh—and say we did.”
Make like los Aviones de Nueva York and turn it over.”
“Lavantanse lavantanse—lavantanse por los derechos.”
“Just like the great Senor Bolsa says…”
Portuguese—pork and cheese—no es Kosher.”
“Wrestling? Well if it’s with decisions, they better be good ones.”