By Staff Writer, Ben Ducoff

Any guy walking in to the men’s room in the 600 hallway is getting a different smell than last year. Brand new urinal cakes, brought back from the ’07-‘0 8 school year, are replacing last year’s urinal nets and are now cleansing the men’s room of the scent of urination and/or feces. So why the change?
“They’re as cheap as the urinal nets, and they do as good or better of a job,” says Head Custodian Jeff Hedrick, “They last about three months and then they just disintegrate.”
Although the cakes are just cleaning the urinals of two men’s rooms in the school, they have received generally positive reviews from students.
“They smell pretty good,” said junior Kevin Albrecht.
Junior Joshua Jayapuram, who commented that he “personally likes the smell of gasoline better,” but that the urinal cakes are “fine for the restrooms.”
So it seems that the urinal cakes are here to stay and might be making their way to all the urinals in the high school, and possibly, all the urinals in the district.
Monica Arkin • Jan 15, 2010 at 2:26 PM
Thank you for writing this article.