By Rachael Silver, Staff Writer
Are you sick of doing the same things every Friday or Saturday night?
Well, your problem is solved.
I’m going to plan your night for you: a night on Lee Road. First you’ll find yourself in one of the street’s two back parking lots. I recommend the one directly behind The Cedar Lee Movie Theater; it’s the easiest to get in and out of. The parking meters are covered in colorful knit stockings made by a local knitting group. Think of it as graffiti made by middle-aged women. Bring your quarters, because that’s all the meters take: a quarter per hour with a 24-hour limit.
Next, travel down the road (away from the theater), towards the shops. Assuming you’ve gotten here before dinner time, a little shopping may be in order. Head over to Revive, a “fair trade eco-boutique.” In this store there’s everything from cooking utensils to full outfits; there’s basically something for everyone. The store is filled with innovative gifts, such as bags made from soda tabs or funky key chains. The hard wood floors and tables give the store a really earthy feel. You can now visit the other Revive store at Legacy Village.
Another interesting place to go would be Boom Modern. Window shopping is suggested. This is an innovative furniture store. The furniture, mainly chairs and couches, have, as the name says, a very modern look. There is a huge geometric aspect to the chairs and most of them are brightly colored.
You’ve probably noticed that by now you passed a restaurant called “Dewey’s.” This is where you should
go next, that is, if you like pizza. If you’d like to pass on pizza, go to Lemongrass, a Thai restaurant.
Dewey’s is a small chain restaurant, with prices on pizza ranging from nine dollars for a personal to twenty for a large. Walk into the restaurant, past the dark wood winding wall, separating the seating from the door, and up to the counter. Take a menu and go ahead and seat yourself at one of the square silver tables. You’ll even have the option to make your own pizza, along with the option to choose from one of their 13 specialty pizzas. Although the desserts are tempting, made in local bakeries, skip them; you’ll be satisfying your sweet tooth later in the night.
After you’ve finished eating and paid the check, cross the street and go directly to The Cedar Lee movie theater. So what kind of movies do they show at The Cedar Lee? The movies are generally not your mainstream movies found at every other movie theater. The films shown here are indie and foreign films. Now before you say how much you don’t like foreign films, you should be aware that many of the foreign films shown here get picked up by American film companies and changed into American films, according to manager Nick McLaughlin. He also suggests that you “give it a try.”
Box office worker Dennis Vinci says that it is an opportunity for teens to “broadens their horizons,” especially those who think they don’t like something before they have given it a chance. As an added bonus, they have bargain Mondays in which tickets are five dollars all day.
Now that you’ve seen a movie that you’ve hopefully enjoyed, walk down the street away from the Cedar
Lee and walk into Phoenix Coffee. Take a minute to look at the coffee sacks that decorate the wall, and
then walk up to the counter. Order a hot chocolate, which is different from most hot chocolate because it
contains cinnamon, along with other goodies, and a homemade turtle cookie. The rest of the night is yours
to fulfill.